Patrice Lynn

Business Coach

“With Marcus as my coach I have learned simple concepts that have made a profound positive impact on my business. As he tells me, it is often the little things done well over time that make a HUGE difference to my bottom line. I am seeing the results. I enjoy working with Marcus because he has a light-hearted approach to life and makes business fun. He helps me to believe I can do anything.”

Katherine & Nigel Meier

Hunter Fencing and Landscaping

“Before introducing Marcus to our business we were struggling with time
management, having continual employee and financial issues, I was working
fulltime out of the business and basically not enjoying our working lives at all. With
Marcus’ guidance we became fully licensed company, recruiting apprentices that we
train to be highly skilled tradesman that share our passion for landscaping.
I am working fulltime in the business making better than my old wage. We
have implemented a customer service procedure which has resulted in huge number
of referrals and return customers. Over the past 4 years the business
revenue has tripled and profit is 8 times higher. We have a fantastic family holiday every year,
we drive a great car and are now building an investment portfolio. And most
importantly we both thoroughly enjoy nosiness and look forward to going to work each day.

Marcus has been and continues to be and essential part of our business

we would recommend to all business owners.”

Sharon Jurd

HydroKleen Australia Pty Ltd

“Since Marcus coaching my business profit and growth increased beyond my belief that was ever achievable. I was able to reduce my working hours to spend more time with my young children without feeling guilty or losing any income. Best of all I was able to achieve every goal on my 5 year goal list well within the 5 years! Even though when I set them I initially thought I could not possibly achieve them…

Your coaching strategies helped me create cash flow and profit within my businesses to achieve all of my personal goals. Your accountability helped me achieve goals daily, weekly and monthly which lead to achieving much larger goals that were before just unimaginable!

Prior to your coaching I had lost sight of what I wanted to achieve and of course I wanted to get back to having some real fun in my business. I was achieving great results but I really knew I had to take it to another level. I am sure you can remember me asking a lot of questions about your knowledge of my industry – little did I know that was the least of my worries. Your contribution to my business was far beyond my initial expectations. Your knowledge and experience in business from every spectrum still amazes me on a daily basis.

You have coached me through selling businesses, starting new ones, established business growth, new business growth and buying businesses all in different types of industries and never once did I lose faith in your importance to my business life.”

Ivy Stevenson

Century 21 Coastal Properties

“Since working with Marcus, we have benefited immensely and our businesses have grown substantially.

Two of our goals were profitability and accountability. Both of these have been achieved.

Now, the travel agency is profitable for the first time in four years, and in a position for us to exit this business. Thanks to your guidance and perseverance, defining and redefining goals and actions. Holding us accountable to getting things done.

The real estate office is also on track. In a tough real estate market we have moved forward and are on track with our targets. The office has become far more systemised and procedures put in place and adhered to.

Both businesses have clear targets and the teams have a clear understanding of their goals and our vision.

Mostly, I want to thank you for what is not reflected in financials and efficiency. That is for the phone calls when I just needed to talk or to run something past you, and for the ever present support and motivation you provide.“

Michael Goodwin

Loyal IT Solutions

“Before we began coaching, my wife and I had created a healthy and profitable business.

However, we had been working to take it to the next level, a business that required our input less and was more profitable.

Having attended a seminar run by Marcus we became aware of the ideas and systems that could lead us to a profitable business that could run without us. With Marcus’ guidance we have found the right numbers in the business to focus on. This focus has lead to a quadrupling of profit in the first 6 months of coaching.

Marcus has brought many other benefits to our business too.

We had struggled for 2 years to get a Culture statement prepared, but with Marcus running a day at our conference we prepared our Code Of Honour and our Rules of the Game. These are now used daily as our guidelines for how we do business.

He has helped us to implement one-on-one reviews with team members on a regular basis. He has guided us through the process of bringing consistency throughout our organisation. He has clarified the importance of procedures and assisted with the production of a procedure manual. He has helped us with the recruitment process that has seen our team triple. These are just a few of the things we have achieved and are continuing to achieve with his guidance.

‘Coach’ does not really do justice to what Marcus gives us. He is very generous with his time and his knowledge, constantly offering support above and beyond his job description. It is great to have him sharing our dream trip, guiding us in running our business, pushing us to be our best.”

Anthony Cannard

Kingston Kitchens

“I have had the assistance of Marcus Kroek as my business coach for the last two and a
half years. The growth and satisfaction I have had in this time is the
most profitable I have had in all my time in business. I owe the majority of this to Marcus.

To be able to continually set short and long term goals and routinely reach them
gives an enormous amount of satisfaction, not to mention financial rewards.
This is where Marcus has been invaluable to the way I now conduct business.
All the pressures are gone.

In my previous business I worked for 10 years, paying myself wages
but making no other profit. With Marcus’ assistance I now have a
business that has grown from nothing to a considerable turnover and
makes a 30% net profit after my wages have been taken out.

My net profit is close to double industry standard. I work 5 days a week
and am enjoying regular holidays with the business able to run without me.

Looking forward I cannot imaging a time in my business career
that I would do without business coaching.”

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0412 313 733